We are off and running once more. This cycle, we have many missionaries from the U.S., and that is unusual. We love them all, no matter where they come from. Our missionaries come from such places as Liberia, Ethiopia, Benin, Madagascar, Burundi, Kenya, S. Africa, Tonga and Samoa, and Utah of all places. The important thing is, we all share the gospel culture.
They arrive at different times during two days. We check them in, take copies of their papers and do a medical history. Then, they have an interview with the Robisons. You can tell from these pictures in our office, what a fun group these missionaries are.
The missionaries line up to work with Elder Malmrose on their family history.
They arrive at different times during two days. We check them in, take copies of their papers and do a medical history. Then, they have an interview with the Robisons. You can tell from these pictures in our office, what a fun group these missionaries are.
I wonder why we always feel safe around here? No one messes with us!
These Elders are from DR Congo, Madagascar, and Ethiopia. Is this a world wide Church, or what!
Welcome Meeting
At our welcome meeting, we introduce the missionaries from all the different countries. When we introduce the U.S. missionaries and have them stand up, we usually only have a few. This time, half of the room stood up. What fun.General conference is always great, but it was especially wonderful this time.
A good time for deep meditation, right?
One reason we love sharing this General Conference time, is because we love being with these wonderful missionaries, and the other part is that we sustained three new Apostles.
What a time to live.
We were surprised at seeing the back of our heads in the World Report video, which included some clips of Africa, and was played between conference sessions on Saturday. We were videoed awhile back, while attending this cultural program of the ward that is on the MTC property. What fun!
We make sure that our new missionaries are well fed and cared for, both spiritually and physically, not necessarily in that order.
They do love their "football", soccer to you obrunies (white folks).
Vaccination time arrives.
"They didn't tell me about this."
"You'r kidding, it's my turn?"
"No big deal. I am a man!"
"I am so brave!"
They did "choose the right". Thanks Sanders, for making it so much fun!
Area Devotional
Now, for their spiritual feast, we had the whole group together before our devotional with Elder Davis as our keynote speaker.
It isn't long before they make good friends and are dancing down the halls.

"Maybe if I close my eyes, I won't notice that you are going "
The classes and practice continue, as the missionaries learn the basics of what is expected of them when they get into their field of labor. They also learn how to get along with others from differing backgrounds. They do a lot of growing up in a very short time, but most of them do it very well.
They also get to e-mail home and let their loved ones know that they arrived safely.
It isn't long before they make good friends and are dancing down the halls.
But, they must be very careful on how they act, because someone is always watching.
We always enjoy taking them to the temple. For some, it is their very first time, but they all love going and spending the day in the Lord's House. What great spiritual preparation for us all.
Before we know it, they are ready to be off into the mission field. I don't know why the Americans are so happy to leave. We say our goodbyes and off they go to serve the Lord. Stay strong Elders.
Goodbye my dear sweet sisters plus one. Short or tall, we love them all. Until we meet again
Cultural Event
We were invited to attend a Stake Cultural Festival at the stake center here. It was most interesting. They told stories from their culture from different areas, and each ward or branch danced and performed something related to the story. It was truly fascinating to hear and see the show.
Yes, that is a real goat!
Yes, that is his real hair.
They have such beautiful children here, who also loved the show, at least when they weren't using their tablet.
This good brother is wearing his "follow the prophets" man dress.
One of the highlights for us, was seeing several of our friends in the show. The man at the front with the spear, which had an angel Moroni on the top, is our dear friend Prince. The King, is Cyril Menseh of our MTC staff. He is also the Bishop of this ward, so he played the part of the king in their skit.
The beautiful costume colors reminded us of the many colors we see every day at the fruit stands all over the city. Yummmy.
We loved seeing our Bishop Appianti at the program, in his traditional man dress. Here he is with two other bishops, also in their traditional attire.
MTC Staff
People don't realize how much work goes into running the MTC. We have a great staff who do the planning, a kitchen and cleaning staff who work behind the scenes, and inspired teaching staff, who do a great deal of the training. It is much like a very nice college dorm, but we change "students" every two or six weeks, not every semester. This is truly a very busy place.
Here are the teachers and the kitchen staff.
New Intake
This new group of missionaries is the smallest number of missionaries we have had. They are added to the six week language missionaries, who are still in training. Even with that, we still have a small, but nice group. It does seem a little quieter around here, but we still are enjoying them. It is the calm before the storm, for we have large groups scheduled to come in November.
Here are the newbies.
A few shots from the Sanders, and they are ready to rock and roll.
We made it through!
We had a little diversion this month. The daughter of our friends, the Knudsens, Kylee Farnsworth, has been in contact with us to find out about living in Ghana. Her husband has been offered a position to work here in Accra for the next two years. They have three young boys, and she had concerns. After her investigation, they decided to make the move. They arrived here and are getting settled. She served a mission with President and Sister Robison's son, so she was anxious to meet them. She and her beautiful family came to the MTC, and we all went out to lunch together, the Robisons, the Hills with us and them.
And soft serve too!!!! If this doesn't make us homesick, nothing will.
Area Devotional
Our devotional was with Elder Vinson and his wife. They always do a great job encouraging our missionaries with inspiring stories and counsel. They brought with them the Websters, whom they recruited from Australia. Welcome dear people!

Temple Trip
We love going with each group of missionaries to the temple. It truly sets the stage for their upcoming service to the Lord, as they enter His Holy House. What a privilege for us to share this time with them.
These are Elder Malmrose's "District" and he loves teaching them and being with them on Sundays and at the Temple.
Goodbye Lunch, Sweet Prince
One of our favorite teachers, has a full scholarship to BYU Hawaii. We got together to bid him farewell and good luck. What a nice young man he is, and we wish him success in every aspect of his life. Goodbye Prince. Thanks for being our friend.
Sisters in Zion
Little by little, or as they say here, small, small, Sis. Robison and I are turning into Africans, with our love of the brightly colored fabrics that we wear for our dresses.
We love serving with our dear African sisters in the Relief Society Presidency. You can't believe how much fun we have, or maybe you can.
Final Group Goodbyes
Last but not least, we say our goodbyes at a farewell devotional.
And one final trip to the temple for some, and we can say our goodbyes.
Goodbye and return with honor, dear missionaries.
"Will do!"