Our Ghana area senior missionaries, along with our MTC missionaries, met together and had a nice dinner in our cafeteria as part of our Christmas celebration. Since we had opportunities after dinner to put on a Christmas presentation, I wanted to make a special birthday celebration in honor of my dad, Earl Malmrose, who would have celebrated his 100th birthday this year on December 25 - Christmas day. As a young child, I remember that every Christmas our family met in the living room at home, and my dad always played a special song recorded by band leader Spike Jones who's band played that song. In honor of a special family tradition, I played the Spike Jones version of the song and mimicked the singer. Part way through my presentation one of our elders decided to record it on his cell phone, a copy of which we obtained and have here published. You'll enjoy it. Dear dad, thanks for the wonderful memories!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
December-2014 udpate
Early December pictures
Of course, our sister
missionaries hold a special place in our hearts.
Eventually, it is time to say
our goodbyes and pray for great success in their future.
We love them all. As you can see, they come in all shapes and
sizes and that’s the long and the short of it. Hands down, they are wonderful.
They come in various sizes and shapes.
Aproaching Christmas
Well, we are still waiting for our white Christmas to
hit, but since it is around 85 degrees every day, we don’t think that is going
to happen soon. Nevertheless, we had a
nice Christmas with our missionaries and our missionary couple friends. We will include more information and some
pictures later in this update.
No, this isn’t Walmart, but the little food store we
shop at regularly. Santa could sing
too. It was fun.
We did say our goodbyes to some of our dear
missionaries, who are ready to go into the mission field to serve the
Lord. Some of them have learned a new
language, and others have learned the basic lessons and procedures they are to
follow. Most of all, they have felt the
sweet Spirit of the Gospel in their lives and we loved being part of that.
We take them to the temple occasionally, and it is
always a nice experience for us all.
This is one of our language districts.
They have learned French and are off to their fields of labor. I had to laugh as one of the African elders
was giving a talk in Church and he said,
“The field is black and ready to harvest”. They have a neat sense of humor as well as a sweet attitude toward life.
“The field is black and ready to harvest”. They have a neat sense of humor as well as a sweet attitude toward life.
Christmas week was very busy for us. Many of our missionaries are in the field
now. We do have our 6 week language
missionaries with us, and other non-language missionaries are coming in
regularly. Christmas was busy, even
though we didn’t have as many missionaries as we usually have. Many of them wait until after Christmas to
come into the field. Nevertheless, we
had a very busy week getting ready for our Christmas celebrations.
We invited the missionaries who are serving in the Accra
Mission, to come for a Preparation Day, at the MTC. They came in sports clothes and had a fun day
with programs and sports for the day. We
remembered that Devin Despain is serving his mission here, so we went out to
the sports field, to see if we could find him.
Sure enough, there he was. What
fun to see someone from home. He said he
will be home before us, so he can be at our homecoming. What a nice young man he is.
Elder Despain and the Malmroses.
I was asked to organize the Christmas Eve program with
the missionaries only. We already had big plans for some of the senior
missionary couples to come to the MTC on Christmas Day, so this would be our
“family” celebration with our own missionaries.
I talked with the different districts and asked them
if they would participate in the program.
They were enthused to be part of their own program. So I assigned each district a Christmas Carol
and asked them to practice it. I also
gave them some background on that particular hymn. I even had one of the elders
ask me if he and his friends could do “Oh Holy Night”. I said, “sure”. A few days later, I went around and had them
all sing for me to make sure they were ready.
They did a good job, and I thought it would turn out OK.
The night of the performance, I gave the introductory
remarks and then let each district take their turn.
There was a sweet, reverent spirit in the room for the whole program and
I was very pleased with their love and enthusiasm for the Christmas hymns. Gerald and I, along with Sister &
President Robison, sang a quartet of Silent Night, and the congregation joined
in as the closing song. I was very happy
with how it all turned out on that special night. They did so well, so we asked
them to sing again during the Christmas Day celebration with the couples.
On Christmas Day, all the couples arrived to join us
at lunch. It helped us to not be so
homesick, to be away on Christmas. They are such nice people and we really
enjoyed being with them.
Here are a few pictures
of our Christmas celebration:
Some of our Senior Couples Christmas Greeting
It was pot luck style, but the MTC furnished the
chicken, gravy and rice and they brought the rest.
Especially good is the homemade bread that our head
chef Margaret makes. It was yummy.
After eating our lunch, they asked Elder Malmrose to
share memories of his father, whose birthday was 100 years ago to the day. He presented the song that his dad had played
every year that Gerald could remember.
He danced and lip synced to “My Birthday Comes On Christmas”. Everyone really had fun with his
presentation. I don’t think I have ever
heard our missionaries laugh so hard and clap so loud. This may become an annual tradition. We put
it on the blogspot for the whole world to enjoy.
Here are some pictures of
some of the great folks we work with every day.
What beautiful smiles they have, don’t you think.
We are working very hard, but
we are enjoying it. Just so you don’t
think that we work all the time, we do occasionally get a break and do a little
sight seeing. There really are some interesting
places to go to visit here, and we hope to get a chance to see more of them, as
time goes on. Since we don’t drive here,
for many reasons, the Robisons are wonderful at taking us places. Here are a
few pictures of one of our little excursions.
Sometimes we move at a very slow pace, but we try not to monkey around too much.
Even the restroom signs are unique here.
They really dress up nicely for special events here. The ladies are usually in beautiful dresses and the men in shirts and ties or traditional dress. These are pictures of a wedding held at the ward building on the property. Because of the laws here, members must be married civilly and then they have a traditional wedding with the family only and then they may be sealed in the temple, if they desire it.
View from out of our kitchen window.
We hope that you all had a great Christmas and a happy New Year.
Friday, December 5, 2014
November 2014 - Update
What a wonderful time to be here in Africa as the
Gospel spreads across the continent.
There are wonderful true stories of the early pioneers in Africa and as
time goes on we will share some of those histories. The Lord is truly hastening the work here. We did not realize what a big continent this
is, until we saw this picture.
Africa map
It seems that
we just get through the training and other things to get our missionaries prepared,
and off they go and we start over again.
Gerald is very busy with all the technical needs, family history, temple
preparation, etc. etc. I continue to
help out with their medical needs. They
really enjoy coming to visit us on immunization days. That’s our friend Doctor Hill, doing what he
does best.

We were asked to get a little group together to sing
at the devotional on a Sunday evening.
We had attended the French sacrament meeting that morning, and I noticed
how enthusiastic they sang “Secret Prayer”.
So, when I was asked to find a number for the devotional, I asked the
pianist to get his district to sing while he played the piano. Gerald and I did the first verse in English, and then they joined in for the rest of the verses in French. When we were done, the congregation broke out
in enthusiastic applause (a cultural thing).
They sure make it fun to serve here.
Sister Robison and I, along with two other senior
missionary sisters, took a morning off and went to a very well-known open air
market in Accra. It was quite an
experience. There are so many people all
walking around and squeezing around each other.
Some of these folks have heavy stacks of goods balanced on their
heads. I tried really hard to stay out
of their way as we hurried up and down the streets looking in the booths. We all came out OK, but I did get hit with
someone’s elbow to my head. It wasn’t
bad, but could have been. We were mostly
looking for the beautiful dyed material they have here, so that we could make
or have made (in my case) clothes.
Also, we found a couple of ladies who sell blouses
really cheap, so we stopped there and got some. While I was standing by the
street and the other ladies were shopping, a young fellow around 12 years old,
came up to me and looked me in the face and said, “Salt Lake City, Utah” and
then smiled. I looked surprised at him
and said, “Are you a member of the Church?
He said yes, both he and his twin brother, who also came up to say Hi. I asked him if he was planning on a mission,
and they both said yes. Who would have
thought that we would meet some members among such a crowd. What fun!

So, since November is Gerald’s birthday month and it
is also Sister Robison’s, we decided to go to one of the hotels that has a
really nice buffet. We don’t eat out
often, but this was a special occasion. A
number of our senior couples came too.
Sister Hill is next to me. She
helps us out when her husband, our mission doctor, comes to the MTC. My plate is full of one taste of each of the
neat desserts that I wanted to try. It’s
amazing how fast one bite can fill up one plate J
A happy birthday week for our dear Sister
Robison. She deserves it!
The Elder at the far right of this picture, reminds us of Noah with some of his expressions. Both Gerald and I noticed it separately. Maybe he’s a long lost relative or maybe we are just homesick.
Thanksgiving Celebration:
Since November is our Thanksgiving holiday month, we did celebrate it here with the other senior couples. We had a nice potluck dinner with turkey, no less, and all the trimmings at one of the mission homes.
To help our USA missionaries not to feel homesick, our
wonderful cafeteria manager Margaret, set a beautiful table with tablecloths,
bubbling soda and some of their favorite dishes. For the Americans, she served them mashed
potatoes and chicken and served the Africans some of their favorite
dishes. It was neat to see how excited
they were.
An African Thanksgiving feast.
Manager Margaret and her grateful friend
Thanksgiving is nice!
This is the tall and the small of it. And the in-between.
Our Friend Patrick
This is Patrick Appianti, who is the chief technology specialist, office manager and supervisor of teachers for the MTC, with his new statue of Joseph Smith. He has been immensely helpful to us.
On one of our errand days, Patrick took a side trip so that we could see the beautiful coast line and warm ocean.
GHANA Temple Trip
On my birthday (November 18), we decided to go with the missionaries to the Ghana Temple.
Ishmael Assan is washing the van in preparation for the temple trip.The elder who is on the far side of the van seat is Elder Broadhead. In talking with him, we discovered that he is the great-grandson of Dakin K. Broadhead who was a counselor to our Pasadena Stake President, Howard W. Hunter when I became active in the Church. Not only do I remember President Hunter who helped me come back to the church, but I also remember President Broadhead and the other counselor Richard S. Summerhays.
We love this view of the Angel Moroni at the Accra Temple.
And she is an angel also.
This is a nice place to spend my birthday morning.
My Lorna and her Ghanaian hat.
Closing photos of some departing missionaries:
The American missionaries still love Pizza and hamburgers. Notice the background gentleman; almost everyone has a cell phone and/or a tablet.
This is the end of November.
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